I've been working with Wordpress off and on for years now, but I haven't gotten entirely immersed with the framework. I have no problem creating plugins that use custom post types, but I'm looking to add a new section in the admin that isn't for posts, but rather my own custom tables.

I know how to create the custom tables on installation of the plugin, I'm just looking for the right information to create a new menu section with subsections, but I'm having a hard time finding the answer.

What functions/hooks do I need? I'll figure out the rest after that.

2 Answers 2


Check out the Administration Menus section in the Codex, I actually used it pretty heavily over the last couple days to create a sub-menu and it helped a lot. It goes into detail on the top level menus as well.

You'll specifically need the add_menu_page() function to create the top level menu, as well as the add_submenu_page() function to create the sub menus. From there it's just a matter of meticulously adding options and setting fields.

Also of great help in understanding the flow of things was Otto's WordPress Settings API Tutorial.

  • I just found the functions a bit ago and was trying to get them to work, but they weren't showing because the role I selected isn't formatted correctly. I wish the Codex would spell out what it expect sometimes! Thanks!
    – Exit
    Commented Oct 7, 2011 at 1:48

Here is a piece of working code i used for my project. i placed this code in a file residing within 'lib' folder. you can also write in your functions file.

$themename = "Ondeweb";
$shortname = "odwb";
$position = '63.3'; 
$icon = $file_dir."/images/wand.png";

add_menu_page($themename, $themename, 'administrator', 'ondeweb-now', 'ondeweb_admin', $icon, $position);

function innUbud_add_subpage() {
        , 'Ads List' 
        , 'Advertisement List'
        , 'manage_options'
        , 'ondeweb-now-advertise'
        , 'advertiseList'

        , 'Home page videos' 
        , 'Home page videos'
        , 'manage_options'
        , 'ondeweb-now-videos'
        , 'videoList'


function advertiseList() {  
    require_once( get_template_directory() . '/lib/advertise.php' );

function videoList() {  
    require_once( get_template_directory() . '/lib/videos.php' );

in the above code, 'ondeweb-now' is the slug for parent menu which is the indication of parent menu for the sub-menus slug (ondeweb-now-advertise & ondeweb-now-videos)

for detailed explanation these are right places to be:- add_menu_page & add_submenu_page

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