A site I'm developing used WP Post Favorites to store post IDs in the usermeta table. I'm now trying to port this data over to a new site (the users and usermeta tables have been migrated over), but using a different plugin (Favorites). The new site has the same content but the post IDs have changed for various reasons that we can't control.
What I'm attempting to do is write a script that:
- Replaces the old post IDs with the new post IDs from the new site.in the 'wpfp_favorites' usermeta key for each user. I have the corresponding old and new post IDs in a csv file.
- Change the usermeta data from the format of the old plugin ('wpfp_favorites' meta key:
to the format of the new plugin ('simplefavorites' meta key:a:1:{i:0;a:3:{s:7:"site_id";i:1;s:5:"posts";a:1:{i:0;i:9075;}s:6:"groups";a:1:{i:0;a:4{s:8:"group_id";i:1;s:7:"site_id";i:1;s:10:"group_name";s:12:"Default List";s:5:"posts";a:1:{i:0;i:9075;}}}}}
- All of the post IDs are 4 digits long so the serialization shouldn't be too big a deal
- The way I see it we would probably need to run a one-time SQL query, or maybe a WP action that only runs once for each user on their next login
- Technically replacing all post IDs on the new site to match the old site would work, but this seems like it would be more complicated given the postmeta table, etc
- Would need to account for users who don't have favorites, etc
- This is a large website with over 100k users
Any guidance on building this type of query?