If I wanted to show a slider on the home page only, is it better or does it make a difference if I:

  • use a PHP if/then statement and echo a division and markup, or
  • use CSS along with a body class and display none the division? or
  • a combination of both

What's the best practice?

  • Conditional Tags is Good Option
    – Mohit Bumb
    Commented Oct 3, 2011 at 13:09

2 Answers 2


target homepage only with if statement.

if ( is_front_page() or is_home() )


if your home page has page/2 page/3 then use the following to display the slider on only page 1 of the homepage.

if ( is_front_page() or is_home() && ! is_paged() ) {

  • Important to note, that I used or for a reason. It's more lightweight than || and && so the first one will be checked first and than compared to the result or ! is_paged().
    – kaiser
    Commented Aug 30, 2012 at 12:51
if ( is_front_page() or is_home() )
    // Your Slider Code

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