This message is not part of the WordPress core. I confirmed this suspicion by searching for the message within the WordPress core files. When it was not found, I then searched the message using a search engine. It appears that you are using the New User Approve Message plugin.
This message is defined in new-user-approve/includes/messages.php#L33
* The default message that will be shown to the user after registration has completed.
* @return string
function nua_default_registration_complete_message() {
$message = sprintf( __( 'An email has been sent to the site administrator. The administrator will review the information that has been submitted and either approve or deny your request.', 'new-user-approve' ) );
$message .= ' ';
$message .= sprintf( __( 'You will receive an email with instructions on what you will need to do next. Thanks for your patience.', 'new-user-approve' ) );
$message = apply_filters( 'new_user_approve_pending_message_default', $message );
return $message;
You can modify this message using the filter new_user_approve_pending_message_default
add_filter( 'new_user_approve_pending_message_default',
'wpse_new_user_approve_pending_message_default' );
function wpse_new_user_approve_pending_message_default( $message ) {
// Customize $new_message as needed and return it.
$new_message = sprintf( __( 'New message...', 'text-domain' ) );
return $new_message;