I have multiple Wordpress instances that live on separate domains (not a multisite installation).
Since they provide the same content in different languages I'd like to share the images among these instances. Ideally these Wordpress installations would share the same Media Library so that I have to upload the files only once and they would be available on the other site as well, even served by the same CDN and sharing the same URL.
So for example I upload Image1.jpg
on site Example.com
and this gets copied to the CDN by W3 Total Cache which serves the image from MyCdn.com/static/Image1.jpg
The other site Esempio.it
would have the Image1
already available in the Media Library without needing to upload it and be able to serve the same image from the same URL MyCdn.com/static/Image1.jpg
Since both sites live in the same server I was thinking of using the Store uploads in this folder
setting from Media Settings
and have that target folder be in fact a symlink.
What's the suggested best practice for this scenario? The space needed is not a real concern but I was more concerned by ease of maintenance.