I'm trying to setup a fallback image for featured image.

The main problem I have is miss of filter for get_the_post_thumbnail_url(). I'm using this function to echo thumb url in many-many templates, because it is easy customizable. So, this is not a solution to make an if-condition for each usage. And even to set default image for blank featured image, because it may be changed.

I see that I might apply filter to get_post_thumbnail_id(), but most likely I need an external URL to this fallback image, hardcoded in this theme. But, even if I can't apply external image, how can I make default image for get_the_post_thumbnail_url() function?

  • what is the code that you've tried?
    – rudtek
    Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 22:43

2 Answers 2


I would say you can't, not possible. There is no filter for get_the_post_thumbnail_url() or get_post_thumbnail_id().

However you could apply a filter to get_metadata() which get_post_thumbnail_id() uses, and return the id of another attachment that you want to use as the default thumbnail. But I don't recommend this it's a bit hacky.

I think you should refactor your code and just make a function to check if get_post_thumbnail_id returns anything.


Perhaps hook into save_post?

  1. check that featured image is NOT set during save
  2. then set default featured image post_meta _thumbnail_id


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