Here's the code that i used:

function get_users(){
   $all_users = get_users();


   foreach ($all_users as $val) {

   $resp = array (
       'data'       => json_encode($arr)

this code is working like this:


I want the code to work like this:

[{value: "user_nicename", label: "display_name",icon: "user_avatar"}]
  • This isn't a question about WordPress so much as vanilla PHP, and as such might be considered off-topic for our site
    – bosco
    Commented Sep 27, 2017 at 2:03

1 Answer 1


Try this code

function get_users(){
    $all_users = get_users();

    foreach ($all_users as $val) {
       $arr[]=array( 'value'=> $val->data->user_nicename, 'label'=> $val->data->display_name, 'icon' => get_avatar_url($val->ID));

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