Ok, I've read over pretty much every answer to this question, but my situation must be unique somehow.

What I'm attempting to do is straightforward in theory.

  • CPT: resource
  • Tax1: resource_type
  • Tax2: industry

When I register the CPT I have set the following:

'rewrite' => array(
        'slug' => 'resources/%resource_type%',
        'with_front' => false

'with_front' => false because the standard posts is using a base.

I also have a page of example.com/resources with a template of page-resources.php.

When I register Tax1 I have set the following:

'rewrite'  => array( 
        'slug' => 'resources',
        'with_front' => false

I have a resource_type term named white-papers.

This produces my first desired outcome of a permalink that looks like example.com/resources/white-papers/ for a taxonomy archive page using taxonomy-resource_type.php.

This is where things getting tricky. What I'm attempting to do is add a second taxonomy (Tax2) and create another archive page with a permalink of:


This archive is a filtered archive of sorts in that it should show just the post that are of resource_type = white-papers AND industry = enterprise.

Instead I get 404.

But if I try to a URL with a query of example.com/index.php?post_type=resource&resource_type=white-papers&industry=enterprise I get my desired filtered archive page.

Also, and I'm not sure if its relevant to the issue or not, but I have this function running:

function resources_cpt_generating_rule($wp_rewrite) {
  $rules = array();
  $terms = get_terms( array(
    'taxonomy' => 'resource_type',
    'hide_empty' => false,
  ) );

$post_type = 'resource';
foreach ($terms as $term) {    

    $rules['resources/' . $term->slug . '/([^/]*)$'] = 'index.php?post_type=' . $post_type. '&resource_type=$matches[1]&name=$matches[1]';

// merge with global rules
$wp_rewrite->rules = $rules + $wp_rewrite->rules;
add_filter('generate_rewrite_rules', 'resources_cpt_generating_rule');

What I need help with is the rewrite rules for accomplishing this.

Any help is greatly appreciated in advance!

1 Answer 1


ok, so I thought I'd come back and answer my own question in case its useful to someone else.

To start, the CPT:

'query_var' => true,
    'has_archive' => false,
    'rewrite' => array(
        'slug' => 'resources',
        'with_front' => false


'query_vars' => true,
    'rewrite' => array( 
        'slug' => 'resources/type',
        'with_front' => false


'query_vars' => true,
'rewrite' => array(
        'with_front' => false

The rewrites:

add_rewrite_rule( '^resources/type/([^/]*)/industry/([^/]*)/?$', 'index.php?post_type=resources&resource_type=$matches[1]&industry=$matches[2]', 'top' );

This produces a slightly different URL structure than I originally intended, and while its a bit more verbose, I think it works just as well.

example.com/resources = page-resources.php

example.com/resources/type/white-papers = taxonomy-resource_type.php for Tax1 term white-papers.

example.com/resources/type/white-papers/industry/enterprise = the same taxonomy-resource_type.php archive template, but serves up only the CPT results of Tax1 AND Tax2.

This is exactly the functionality I was hoping to acheive.

  • This is really great answer!! thank so much for sharing @jedifunk Commented Apr 5, 2023 at 11:43

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