I have a site for a client that I picked up after they left another agency. That agency used a proprietary theme with its own self-hosted page builder that prevents it from being updated or edited on any other hosting environment but theirs.
Another aspect of it is that it remaps the URLs for the theme and upload directories. So, for example, instead of WP looking for the theme files in http://domain.com/wp-content/themes/…. it looks for them in http://domain.com/t/….
Likewise for image uploads, instead of looking for images in http://domain.com/wp-content/uploads/…, it looks for them in http://domain.com/u/….
I recreated the directories at the root level to match the /t/ and /u/ URLs, and that got the site back up and running for the client. However, whenever they upload a new image, it is uploaded into the original /uploads/ location, and while all of the info about the image is in added, the Media Library still looks for the image itself in the /u/ directory (see attached).
I have to solve the problem by going in via FTP and manually copying the image from the /uploads/ directory to the one I created (also attached).
I can't seem to find where this redirect may be happening. Has anyone else had any experience with this?