I have an custom Permalinks format: /%category%/%postname%

It works fine as each posts gets link base on category, like category1/sub-category1/post-title.

The problem is, when I assign the post to several categories, I cannot control which "path" will be chosen for link under direct link: enter image description here

On given example, the post has been added to category specjalne/produkty as well as kosmetyki/do-twarzy. I would like the direct link to point for kosmetyki/do-twarzy/... instead of specjalne/produkty/...

Also, get_permalink() returns the same link as direct link field (and I want it to change to kosmetyki/do-twarzy/...).

The best solution would be to never create path based on specjalne/produkty if there is any other option available - because it should be the lowest priority path.

1 Answer 1


Install the Yoast SEO plugin to enable this:

enter image description here

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