i got an options page that needs to affects a certain (for now) css value..

i have about using php variables in css and creating custom global variables in wordpress but havent something easy enough to understand so i have done this and places it in my header file

<style type="text/css"> .current-menu-item { background: <?php echo get_option('sg_currentbuttoncolor'); ?> !important; } </style>

does that look like a good solution to you? what is the preffered way of creating changes in my css using values from my options page?

1 Answer 1


You are doing it correctly. I would suggest two enhancements:

  1. Do not put this code directly in header.php. Create a custom function to print the css and hook this into the wp_head action.
  2. Always sanitize/escape input before you print it to the screen. Look into ctype_xdigit() for creating a custom function to sanitize you color value.
  • Wouldn't it be more appropriate to hook this into wp_print_styles?
    – tollmanz
    Commented Aug 30, 2011 at 1:07
  • Maybe ... but then you need to check if you're in the admin which is unnecessary IMHO. I like to follow the rule "Hook in as late as possible, but no later". wp_head fits the bill rather well and it should only fire in the front-end.
    – mfields
    Commented Aug 30, 2011 at 1:18

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