I've been reading alot about WP Cron and I have decided that I don't want to use WP Cron. I'd like to setup a linux cron at my webhost (Media Temple DV Server).
I've made a wordpress plugin that checks some posts for variables and if everything checks out it sends out an email to the user who submitted it. I want this to run every couple of minutes because i am expecting a large volume in a short span of time and also I only want to process my submissions in small batches of 10 or 20 at a time.
What I have right now is a custom scheduled event that uses wp cron to fire every 15 minutes, BUT what i would rather is a Linux cron that runs, hits the plugin url, and does its thing every 2 minutes.
Right now, the linux cron is running every 2 minutes so that's great (i set it to send me an email when the cron runs in the cron itself), BUT because i have my main code wrapped tied to the wp-cron on a 15 minute interval, the code is only running every 15 minutes.
So, I'd like to totally remove the wpcron portion from the plugin and just have the code trigger when the linux cron runs.
Does anyone have thoughts on how i can set the linux cron to run a wordpress plugin? A very basic example like Hello World plugin would be fine. I just need some help figuring out how to connect the linux cron to the plugin. Thanks.