What I want to accomplish
I need an aside to pull the last 5 posts from a specific set of 5 categories.
Not the latest of each, not the last 5 of each, but the last 5 total posts from the 5 categories.
The category IDs are: 89,90,91,92,93
I have 5 different category pages, so this has been making it trickier. Each of these uses an include for the aside. I am writing that logic in that include.
if ( in_category( 92, $post_id ) ) : ?>
$bfaCat = 'bfa-cat-ba';
<?php endif; ?>
Then I have to loop through. Not applying anything if the post is not in any of the categories. But if the posts are of that category then add a variable (as $bfaCat
) with the following class (on right) applied if it has the following category id (on left)
89 - bfa-cat-bl
90 - bfa-cat-fs
91 - bfa-cat-s1
92 - bfa-cat-ba
93 - bfa-cat-ea
HTML - ATTEMPT 1 - in template
<div class="bfa-category <?=$bfaCat;?>">
<?php the_category(); ?>
HTML - desired output example
<div class="bfa-category bfa-cat-bl">
<?php the_category(); ?>
HTML - ATTEMPT 2 - Would this be better if modified?
I know this is sloppy but I also tried it inline but it just applied this class to everything
<div class="bfa-category <?php if (get_category('91')) echo 'bfa-cat-s1'; ?>">
<?php the_category(); ?>
So it seems like the class is being echoed into everything.
get_gategory( '91' )
within_category( 91 )
orin_category( 91, ... post id ... )
within yourWP_Query
loop in attempt #2?bl
, ... are category slugs, I wonder if you can just prefix the current category slug(s) withbfa-cat-
and skip theif
check part.