Right now my shortlink structure looks something like this:


I would prefer it to look more like this:


Any ideas how I can alter the code to do just this?

  • 1
    Do you mean edit the core file itself? If so, that's probably not a good idea as it makes upgrading harder. A plugin would be the way to go. Commented Aug 29, 2011 at 18:34
  • @Christopher Davis This is true...Ahhh I was trying to avoid a plugin as many seem to slow down my sites.
    – Matt
    Commented Aug 29, 2011 at 21:07
  • 3
    Plugins don't slow down sites. Overly complex plugins that try to do too much slow down sites. I run upwards of 50 plugins and have no issues. Just something to keep in mind: simple is better.
    – Otto
    Commented Aug 29, 2011 at 22:14
  • How will you create this structure easily at the time of placing it? Commented Sep 13, 2017 at 22:27

3 Answers 3


Okay, so, as mentioned in my comment to you: altering core files is not a good idea. But here is a plugin solution.

First we're going to create our own rewrite rules that rewrite s/123 (replace 123 with a post ID) to index.php?short=123. We'll also have to filter the WordPress query variables so we can use them later.

add_action( 'init', 'wpse26869_add_rewrites' );
function wpse26869_add_rewrites()
    add_rewrite_rule( '^s/(\d+)$', 'index.php?short=$matches[1]', 'top' );

add_filter( 'query_vars', 'wpse26869_query_vars', 10, 1 );
function wpse26869_query_vars( $vars )
    $vars[] = 'short';
    return $vars;

The add_rewrite_rule call says "rewite s followed by a slash and a string of one or more digits to index.php?short=the_string_of_digits.

Then we can hook into template redirect and see if our query variable is there. If it is, we'll try and get a permalink out of it. If that fails, we'll throw a 404 error. Otherwise, we'll use `wp_redirect' to send folks to the actual post.

add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wpse26869_shortlink_redirect' );
function wpse26869_shortlink_redirect()
    // bail if this isn't a short link
    if( ! get_query_var( 'short' ) ) return;
    global $wp_query;

    $id = absint( get_query_var( 'short' ) );
    if( ! $id )
        $wp_query->is_404 = true;

    $link = get_permalink( $id );
    if( ! $link )
        $wp_query->is_404 = true;

    wp_redirect( esc_url( $link ), 301 );

Finally, we hook into get_shortlink to change how our rel="shortlink" appears in the <head> section of the site, and elsewhere. This new shortlink structure will reflect the rewrite rule we wrote above.

add_filter( 'get_shortlink', 'wpse26869_get_shortlink', 10, 3 );
function wpse26869_get_shortlink( $link, $id, $context )
    if( 'query' == $context && is_single() )
        $id = get_queried_object_id();
    return home_url( 's/' . $id );

As a plugin: https://gist.github.com/1179555

  • I'm actually having a little bit of trouble with this plugin. Right now my ShortUrl (without any plugin or modification to WordPress) looks like this structure: example.com/?p=451 How can I get it to look like this: example.com/short451 (I guess 451 is the post id?)
    – Matt
    Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 13:37
  • You need to change your permalink settings to pretty permalinks. settings > permalinks Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 14:00
  • do I need to somehow activate this option? I don't see it in settings > permalinks
    – Matt
    Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 15:46
  • Nope, just select something other than default for your permalink structure and it should work. Commented Sep 2, 2011 at 16:18
  • 1
    One redirect happens. example.com/s/121 is rewritten, not redirected. The function hooked into template_redirect actually does the redirect from short URL to the canonical permalink. Commented Jul 2, 2012 at 4:56

Aside from @ChristopherDavis's answer, you can also do it in a PHP independent way, using .htaccess. Simply add this rule:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^s/(\d+)$ index.php?p=$1 [L]

Alternative without mod_rewrite, using mod_alias:

RedirectMatch Permanent ^/s/(\d+)$ /?p=$1

The only problem is, two redirects happen here (instead of 1) — (for example) if user visits http://example.com/s/121/ he is redirected by the web server to http://example.com/index.php?p=121/ and then by WordPress to the actual permalink of the post.

The advantage is, this never breaks! Plugins may break, but this does not.

PS: I use this (short link structure would be http://example.com/-121 where 121 is post ID):

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^-(\d+)$ index.php?p=$1 [L]

using Redirection plugin, you can add a redirect which achieves this without touching PHP or .htaccess.


  • install and set up Redirection plugin

add redirect

  • go to Tools > Redirection
  • click add new button

redirect parameters

  • source url: ^/s/(\d+)$
  • url options (located far right): choose regex
  • target url: /index.php?p=$1

this method has the following advantages

  • no PHP coding, no .htaccess editing
  • access tracking - you can see how many are hitting the shortlink redirect right from the dashboard
  • 404 logging - helps with troubleshooting in case you mess up the regex
  • flexibility - if you want, you could create multiple shortlink redirects based on post type or source (e.g. email vs. print vs. media vs. youtube) for tracking purposes
  • you can optionally make any rule case-insensitive - this is especially useful if you are counting on people to enter this URL manually


thanks to @its_me for the .htaccess method as this gave me the exact regex expressions i needed

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