My theme uses the following in functions.php
require_once get_template_directory() . '/includes/admin-options.php';
I want to override this with my own version of the admin-options.php file, which I have stored in my Child Theme directory.
As per Codex instructions on Referencing / Including Files in Your Child Theme I've tried adding the following line in my Child Theme functions.php file
require_once( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/admin-options.php' );
both with and without commenting out the require_once line in the theme functions.php file.
Neither way works - the site won't load at all.
Echoing the line in my Child Theme functions.php gives the correct path for the admin-options.php file I want to include:
echo ( get_stylesheet_directory() . '/admin-options.php');
returns wp-content/themes/onetone-child/admin-options.php
What am I missing?