Coders. I'm really new in WP Coding, I have zero knowledge, here we are. I created a plugin (actually found it, but I did some modifications) which update all my wp posts.
Let's show you the code,
if ( ! class_exists( 'MyPlugin_BulkUpdatePosts' ) ) :
class MyPlugin_BulkUpdatePosts
public function __construct()
register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( $this, 'do_post_bulk_update' ) ); //Run this code only on activation
//Put your code in this function
public function do_post_bulk_update()
$posts_to_update = get_posts('numberposts=-1'); //numberposts for post query, "-1" for all posts.
foreach ( $posts_to_update as $update_this_post ):
//update query goes here
As you can see, it makes a query to the all posts, The main problem is I have 10k+ posts, But when I use this my server gets crashed, It gives a "503 Unavailable". But When I use 50-60 posts, it's works.
How can I make this work by less resources ?