The problem is that you're passing a meta VALUE in the key
field of the meta_query should be passing your meta KEY there ("_wccf_pp_event_date"), as in:
$seasons = array (
'spring' => array ('2017-03-21', '2017-06-20'),
'summer' => array ('2017-06-21', '2017-09-20'),
'fall' => array ('2017-09-21', '2017-12-20'),
'winter' => array ('2017-12-21', '2018-03-20'),
) ;
foreach ($seasons as $season => $date_range) {
$args = array (
'post_type' => 'product',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
'meta_query' => array (
array (
// the 'key' should be the meta field, NOT a value you're looking for
// in that field
'key' => '_wccf_pp_event_date', //$event_date_query,
'value' => $date_range,
'compare' => 'BETWEEN',
'type' => 'DATE',
) ;
$query = new WP_Query ($args) ;
if ($query->has_posts ()) {
while ($query->has_posts ()) {
$query->the_post () ;
// do something with this post
else {
echo "no $season products" ;
Edit, to answer question asked in comment
Off the top of my head, : not via a standard WP_Query date_query
There might be a way to hook into the SQL produced from a meta_query
to incorpoarate one/more of the MySQL Date and Time Functions (I'd start by looking at get_meta_sql), but I doubt those date & time funcs even would even do it.
However, there's always the "brute force" way:
- find the min/max years for the dates in your post_meta
- iterate from min to max, performing the
from my original answer
- merge the posts found in each iteration
That would look something like:
$sql = "
SELECT YEAR(MIN(meta_value)), YEAR(MAX(meta_value))
FROM $wpdb->postmeta
WHERE meta_key = '_wccf_pp_event_date'
" ;
list ($min_year, $max_year) = array_map ('intval', $wpdb->get_row ($sql, ARRAY_N)) ;
for ($year = $min_year ; $year < $max_year ; $year++) {
// insert code from my 1st answer here, substituting $year into the dates in the $seasons array
// (remembering to increment $year by 1 when substituting into the end date for winter)
There is also the complication that the dates of the equinoxes/solstices differ from year to year (i.e., spring starts on March 20 in some years, March 19, in others, etc). However, unless your "products" are "astronomical" in nature, you can probably ignore that complication and just use the same month/day values for any year.