I'm using Wordpress Settings API
. Everything works as it should except this select
dropdown. When I select an option, the value echoed is correct but in the dropdown it displays the default first value i.e 6
and not the selected one. Where am I going wrong?
public function someplugin_select() {
$options = get_option( 'plugin_252calc');
echo $options; //shows the correct value selected
$items = array();
for ($i=6; $i <=10; $i+= 0.1)
$items[] = $i;
echo '<select id="cf-nb" name="cf-nb">';
foreach ( $items as $item )
echo '<option value="'. $item .'"';
if ( $item == $options ) echo' selected="selected"';
echo '>'. $item .'</option>';
echo '</select>';
being echoed?selected=selected
even if the value equals optionsvar_dump('$item == $options')
to check if its being true at least 1 time