You can make a 404.php file. That is a normal file to have as part of your theme. You can handle all of your logic in there and have it load your dynamic html in it.
You can use a function like the following in your functions.php file. I just tested and you can get most of what you need from the URL using the var_dump()
placed in this function.
// borrowed from
function stoi2m1_404_override() {
global $wp_query;
// return if not a 404 page
if (!$wp_query->is_404)
// dump the data in the query, parameters from the URL
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
/* resulted in something like this for me, Im using a custom post type movies
array(4) {
string(0) ""
string(4) "missing"
string(6) "movies"
string(4) "missing"
if ($wp_query->query['name'] == 'missing' ) { //what ever name/title of post you are looking for
status_header( 200 ); // set the appropriate header
$wp_query->is_404=false; // set is_404 to false
// apply any more logic you need here
// or include custom template file here
// you will want to keep the usual template from loading
add_filter('template_redirect', 'stoi2m1_404_override' );