I have implemented AAPL on a new website which loads in Wordpress pages using AJAX.
Problem: For some unknown reason, css styles which are supposed to be loaded via enqueue are not being loaded.
If I click a page, some effects and transitions don't load - when checking the element, the css isn't visible. I then click "reload" which loads the page normally, and everything works perfectly.
Site: http://murrayfredericks.oleymedia.com/projects/
Click "Greenlands" -> "Information" - you can see it loads the font in Times New Roman instead of the styles from bootstrap.css. Reload the page and voila - problem resolved - bootstrap.css is loaded?
E.g. When I click the "Information" page and view the source for the first column element:
<div class="wpb_column vc_column_container vc_col-sm-3 catlistli visible">
This is what I see:
Then, when I reload, I view the exact same element and this is what I see:
NOTE: See now that the js_composer.min.css is now being applied to the same element and is formatting it properly so that it looks how it should look.
It seems to never be the /child-theme/style.css that isn't applied - it's only ever js_composer.css or bootstrap.css