My main problem is that my theme ( Avada ) is jumping from 6 columns to 1 which is a poor responsiveness, in Shop page. So, when I am in a vertical tablet, I just see 1 columns, when I could display 2-3 columns easily.

So, I downloaded Fusion Builder Mobile Layout Creator that allows me to get one more responsive level ( between 400 and 800px )

Now, my problem is that I have to create a new Shop page, and modify it to display only 3 columns...

Thing is the shop page is not a normal page, so I don't really know how to do this.

Once I find it out, I guess it will not be so complicated modifying the code so that it displays in a custom columns layout

Also, this is outside scope of both Avada support and FBMLC support, so... here am I !!!

  • Sounds like you just need to make a child theme and then create your own hooks for WooCommerce and templates. Avada most likely has a custom hook to override WooCommerce defaults.
    – Aibrean
    Jan 3, 2017 at 17:04
  • create a child is ok. Do you have some links talking about woocommerce hooks, as I don't know much about it... Jan 3, 2017 at 17:26
  • I have created my child theme, but doesn't really know what to do now.... Jan 3, 2017 at 17:40


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