I have bunch of posts and I would like to organize their link by the categories with a smart way. Right now I have the links of the posts with the following schema: http://localhost:81/wordpress/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/
I know that this schema can be changed at: Settings -> Permalinks, but this is not exactly what I would like...
What I want is to put a logic behind it. Lets suppose that I have the following categories:
- easy lessons
- advanced lessons
- pro lessons
And lets suppose that we have the following posts by categories:
- EasyLessons: The ABC, Saying Hello
- AdvancedLessons: Simple present, Present Perfect
- ProLessons: Present perfect continuous, Black words
So as a result I would have the following links of the posts:
- localhost:81/easylessons/theabc
- localhost:81/easylessons/sayinghello
- localhost:81/advancedlessons/simplepresent
- localhost:81/advancedlessons/presentperfect
- localhost:81/advancedlessons/presentperfectcontinuous
- lo=alhost:81/advancedlessons/blackwords
What is your opinion, is it possible to solve this problem? If so, would you be so kind as to help me in this matter? Thanks in advance!