I've got about 300 images in the media library of one WordPress install.
I need to move these to the media library of a completely different WP site. This is NOT a full-site migration to a new URL. I only need to move 300 images.
When I tried to copy the images from site #1 into the uploads folder of site #2, they weren't recognized by the media library, obviously because metadata is involved.
I tried using a plugin called 'Add From Server' - but this didn't read the thumbnails from site #1 properly... it uploaded them as individual images, not very smart.
I also tried to initiate some kind of transfer from the MySQL command line, but the data is coming from two different tables, wp_posts
and wp_post_meta
, and I don't fully understand the structure of these.
So is there any way to do this, aside from manually uploading each of the 300 images?