I'm trying to check do an action in my wp plugin each hour, but it does not work fine.
I'm doing this:
register_activation_hook(__FILE__, function() {
//more stuff
if (! wp_next_scheduled ( 'my_hourly_event' )) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'my_hourly_event');
add_action('my_hourly_event', 'do_this_hourly');
function do_this_hourly() {
wp_mail('[email protected]', 'prueba cron', 'prueba cron innovation');
But I only receive 2-5 mails a day and not at the expected hours (for example, today I only received 2 emails, at 8:21am and 11:51am; yesterdday other 2 both of them at 11:45 ...).
I have no access to the server to make a real cron job.