I'm trying to add a CSS class to every image in a custom post type.

I've found this answer, to add a class to every image in general:

function add_image_class($class){
    $class .= ' additional-class';
    return $class;

How would I build on this, so that it only applies to a custom post type?

2 Answers 2


Combining the answer here by @cjcj with the code in this answer, the code that works for me outside the loop, in functions.php is:

// Add ability to check for custom post type outside the loop. 
function is_post_type($type){
    global $wp_query;
    if($type == get_post_type($wp_query->post->ID)) return true;
    return false;

// Add class to every image in 'wpse' custom post type.
function add_image_class($class){
    if ('wpse' == is_post_type()){
        $class .= ' additional-class';
    return $class;

The function get_post_type returns the type of the current post, so supposing you want to add this class only to a post type called 'wpse' you should include a conditional like this:

function wpse237573_add_image_class($class){
    if ('wpse' == get_post_type()) $class .= ' additional-class';
    return $class;
  • Thank you @cjbj. This works, but only within in the loop. I want to put the code in my functions.php, where it's not working like this. But you helped me in the right direction and I combined your answer with this post to a working solution. I'll share it as a new answer below.
    – Dvaeer
    Commented Aug 30, 2016 at 9:20

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