Question: Category Display
I'm trying to create a header that pulls data from the most recent 3 posts in a specific category along with pulling the image associated for the most recent post (if there is one) to display. I can create the styling just fine, but I don't know how to reference and pull the post information. I don't want to do a loop because I don't want all posts.
I'm thinking of something along these lines.
POST IMAGE (overlayed with the title of the most recent post of a category, which is a link to that category, possibly referencing the date and time of the post) Under that, I want to put just text links to the post just prior to that within the category followed by a third link to the post prior to that one.
Are there specific tags to pull post titles and perhaps small post excerpts and display them like this?
Clarification: what I'm looking to do is redesign my main page so that the upper portion is broken into four sections, top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right. Each of these will be the image of the most recent post in specific categories overlaid by a link to the most recent post. Then, with each of these is a list of the next two posts in the category. The formatting is done through CSS, which I can handle, but I don't know how to pull posts from specific categories and how to pull only the most recent three.