If I try to add a custom link to a menu, it says "Pending" and won't save. If I hit save, it disappears. This only happens to custom links - pages, posts, categories all work fine.

I've googled this issue and they suggest switching to a default theme and back, or repairing the wp_postmeta database. I've done both with no success. No clue what to do next, and this is driving me mad. I'm a beginner too...

2 Answers 2


I have solved this. I just needed to add a title to the custom link in the options BEFORE adding it to the menu. How stupid is that?

  1. Disable all plugins. Update your nav. If it works then we know a plugin is the cause.

  2. Switch to a theme by team WordPress (eg. TwentyTwenty). Update your nav. If it works then we know the theme is the cause.

  3. Switch to a different browser. Update your nav. If it works then a browser incompatibility issue or browser extension/plugin is the cause.


In my case, solution #1 worked.

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