In my author.php page, I'm wanting to create a link that sends the user to a list of all posts by that author. I thought this was a built in function of WordPress, but having trouble finding the function and its syntax.

the_author_posts_link() seems to just link back to the author page.

<div class="outerContainer longFormContainer">
   <div class="contentContainerNarrow longFormContent">

          $post_author_id = get_the_author_meta('ID');

       <?php if( get_field('author_img', 'user_' . $post_author_id) ): ?>
          <img class="alignleft" src="<?php the_field('author_img', 'user_' . $post_author_id); ?>" width="200" alt="<?php the_author(); ?>" />
       <?php endif; ?>

          if ( get_the_author_meta('description') ) : 
             echo '<p>';
             echo the_author_description();
             echo '</p>';

        <p>View all posts by <?php the_author_posts_link(); ?></p>

1 Answer 1


the_author_posts_link() points precisely to your author.php template, and it's normally used in posts (inside the loop).

So to get the author's posts list, you have two options:

1) Show the author posts in the same author.php template, simply using the normal loop (because this is just the query loaded in this template). By the way, you have a nice example in the codex.

2) Generate a different template that shows only (as you want) the author's posts list, querying as follows:

$query = new WP_Query( array( 'author_name' => 'nicename' ) ); //author 'user_nicename'

Probably it will be a good point to load the nicename as a custom_query_var

Hope it helps!

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