I have got some problems with performance, exactly page speed load on my Website.
Here are things listed below: I have got WordPress installed on my VPS with Nginx platform.
AMD 8 cpu's
2x SSD 250GB
32GB memory
WordPress is updated.
Installed Plug-ins list:
- Akismet
- BWP Minify
- Disqus Conditional Load
- Google XML Sitemaps
- iThemes Security
- W3 Total Cache
- WordFence
- WP Missed Schedule
- WP No Category Base - WPML Compatible
WordPress has about ~ 46.000 published posts over years and for about ~ 11.000 user published comments (SPAM about ~ 1.000 blocked by Akismet) integrated within Disqus commets.
Server load is under 2.00 and memory usage about max. ~ 30% (it is ok).
It is not that much, server is super, but the problem could be with a lot posts and comments or plug-ins or ads?
W3 Total cache uses APC. Code is minified itself (HTML, php, css, js) without W3 Minify.
BWP minify modified so it has "async" atributte while loading few .js files (around 10) combined into one (css files about 2 are alsoc comined into one).
Wordfence modified, so it does not scan every day, live traffic disabled.
Nginx directives for location / and files under location are modified - added headers, gzip, security, etc.
Theme is modified and optimized, so it does not contain other plugins like sliders and so on, wp_head things cleaned, etc.
There is no WordPress menus crated - all HTML (was slow query, so we rather done it with HTML).
Also, there is one bigger problem I think, the Website have 6-7 blocks reserved to display advertisements:
Google AdSense, 728x90, 970x250, 300x250, responsive
If I remove the ads, the thing goes much faster. But the ads are for marketing purposes where we can earn something.
Daily visists about ~ 10.000 (based on Google Analytics).
I m searching over the Internet for things, Github, Stackoverflow and official websites like Nginx, WordPress (inc. forums).
I am woundering what do You think, have You got any performance tips, ideas and other usefull stuff like links, etc. that could help me to get that working?
I would be very thankfull for any information shared!
Thanks a lot!