Following up on Adding arg to search results page, I want to show future posts in categories but not on the home page.

This code works:

add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function ( $q ) {
if (    !is_admin()
     && !is_feed()
     && $q->is_main_query() 
) {
    $q->set( 'post_status', ['publish', 'future'] );

but shows future posts on home page.

I tried adding && !is_home() but it doesn't work - future posts no longer show anywhere.

1 Answer 1


The logic inside the is_home function relies on the main query, but by definition that query hasn't happened yet as you're still in the pre_get_posts filter.

Instead, consider $q->is_home(). The same goes for is_feed() $q->is_feed()

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