Im using WP Alchemy to set up some custom meta boxes. Since these are being used for audio files, when I create a feed the data does not come in and i cannot create a podcast feed for them.
1 Answer
Ok I got it
// Add the audio link to the feeds so we can podcast
function feed_customMeta($content) {
global $post, $id, $radioMeta;
if ( !is_feed() )
return $content;
$getRadioLink = '<a href="'.$radioMeta->get_the_value('radioLink').'">Download Audio</a>';
if( $getRadioLink)
$content .= $getRadioLink;
return $content;
add_filter('the_excerpt_rss', 'feed_customMeta');
add_filter('the_content_feed', 'feed_customMeta');