Anyone know of a way to change the title of the core Wordpress metaboxes on a post edit screen? I'm trying to alter the title of the "Featured Image" metabox and have found a way to edit the contents (via *admin_post_thumbnail_html*) but not the title itself.

3 Answers 3


The "Right way" to do this is hooking to the 'add_meta_boxes' action, like so:

add_action('add_meta_boxes', 'my_metabox_titles', 10, 2);
function my_metabox_titles($post_type, $post) {
    global $wp_meta_boxes; // array of defined metaboxes
    // cycle through the array, change the titles you want

If, like me, you like things to work without js, you can provide your own text for ALL translateable text.

Basically create translations for the text you want to change. Non-english speakers do it all the time - it's not that hard.

See http://icalevents.com/3445-an-accent-for-your-website/


you can change it by filtered words like it :


add_filter('gettext', 'mw_translate_words_array');

add_filter('ngettext', 'mw_translate_words_array');

function mw_translate_words_array( $translated ) {
$words = array(
 'old name' = > 'new name'  ,

$translated = str_ireplace(  array_keys($words),  $words,  $translated );
return $translated;

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