Every time I refresh the page, my cron job update_backup_now_feed
seems to have its timer reset. I'm using a plugin called "crontrol" that displays the time until next call, and every time I refresh it resets to 1 hour. The only time the schedule seems to fire off is when I avoid the site for over an hour and then refresh.
Am I doing something wrong with my code below or is this a bug? I'm working on Multisite. I found this question which is similar - and in the comments section of the answer, the user mentioned having the same problems only on multisite.
Why does refreshing the page reset the timer for wp cron events?
Here is all of my cron related code.
// add custom cron interval
add_filter('cron_schedules', 'add_custom_cron_intervals', 10, 1);
function add_custom_cron_intervals($schedules) {
$schedules['every_two_minutes'] = array(
'interval' => 120,
'display' => 'Every Two Minutes'
return (array)$schedules;
add_action('init', 'register_update_feed_event');
function register_update_feed_event() {
if(!wp_next_scheduled('update_now_feed')) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'every_two_minutes', 'update_now_feed');
if(!wp_next_scheduled('update_backup_now_feed')) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'update_backup_now_feed');
add_action('update_now_feed', 'update_now_feed_function');
function update_now_feed_function() {
add_action('update_backup_now_feed', 'update_backup_now_feed_function');
function update_backup_now_feed_function() {
UDPATE I thought I fixed it, but instead it raises more questions.
For some portion of last night, my code looked like this below. I had removed the wp_next_scheduled check... and it literally created 50 different scheduled events.
//if(!wp_next_scheduled('update_backup_now_feed')) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'update_backup_now_feed');
The crontrol only showed one of them, since they all had the same name. I realized I could keep deleting them, and they didn't go away. I kept clicking and finally, after ~50 clicks they were gone. This definitely helped some of the issues I was having. Don't pull a me and remove that conditional (although I'm not sure how you update cron jobs otherwise.. )
I have now put this code in my WP_Config. define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);
to see if I could troubleshoot more.
At this point, refreshing the page would NOT call any of my events. However, I went to the custom URL to test cron - /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron
and when I refresh it, the response from my action sometimes shows. This is the part I don't understand.
Does disabled wp cron and enabling it via real cron cause the 'timers' to stop functioning as expected? If I have an hourly job and I call the cron every 5 minutes, will it also be called every 5 minutes? Why does calling it manually sometimes call the event and sometimes not?