I'm using ACF advanced custom fields plugin to create custom fields for my CPT where i replaced the content editor of my CPTs with a custom Wysiwyg Editor field (field name: full_text) from ACF in which i enter the main text of the CPT(I really need that for specific reasons). But, when i tried to use toc+ to generate a table of content from the text in the custom field editor it shows nothing. Actually on the plugin page they wrote that:
Custom post types are supported, however, auto insertion works only when `the_content()` has been used by the custom post type. Each post type will appear in the options panel, so enable the ones you want.
In the plugin toc.php file I noticed that exactly:
public function extract_headings( &$find, &$replace, $content = '' )
$matches = array();
$anchor = '';
$items = false;
// reset the internal collision collection as the_content may have been triggered elsewhere
// eg by themes or other plugins that need to read in content such as metadata fields in
// the head html tag, or to provide descriptions to twitter/facebook
$this->collision_collector = array();
if ( is_array($find) && is_array($replace) && $content ) {
// get all headings
// the html spec allows for a maximum of 6 heading depths
if ( preg_match_all('/(<h([1-6]{1})[^>]*>).*<\/h\2>/msuU', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER) ) {
// remove undesired headings (if any) as defined by heading_levels
if ( count($this->options['heading_levels']) != 6 ) {
$new_matches = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) {
if ( in_array($matches[$i][2], $this->options['heading_levels']) )
$new_matches[] = $matches[$i];
$matches = $new_matches;
// remove specific headings if provided via the 'exclude' property
if ( $this->options['exclude'] ) {
$excluded_headings = explode('|', $this->options['exclude']);
if ( count($excluded_headings) > 0 ) {
for ($j = 0; $j < count($excluded_headings); $j++) {
// escape some regular expression characters
// others: http://www.php.net/manual/en/regexp.reference.meta.php
$excluded_headings[$j] = str_replace(
$new_matches = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) {
$found = false;
for ($j = 0; $j < count($excluded_headings); $j++) {
if ( @preg_match('/^' . $excluded_headings[$j] . '$/imU', strip_tags($matches[$i][0])) ) {
$found = true;
if (!$found) $new_matches[] = $matches[$i];
if ( count($matches) != count($new_matches) )
$matches = $new_matches;
// remove empty headings
$new_matches = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) {
if ( trim( strip_tags($matches[$i][0]) ) != false )
$new_matches[] = $matches[$i];
if ( count($matches) != count($new_matches) )
$matches = $new_matches;
// check minimum number of headings
if ( count($matches) >= $this->options['start'] ) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) {
// get anchor and add to find and replace arrays
$anchor = $this->url_anchor_target( $matches[$i][0] );
$find[] = $matches[$i][0];
$replace[] = str_replace(
$matches[$i][1], // start of heading
'</h' . $matches[$i][2] . '>' // end of heading
$matches[$i][1] . '<span id="' . $anchor . '">',
'</span></h' . $matches[$i][2] . '>'
// assemble flat list
if ( !$this->options['show_heirarchy'] ) {
$items .= '<li><a href="#' . $anchor . '">';
if ( $this->options['ordered_list'] ) $items .= count($replace) . ' ';
$items .= strip_tags($matches[$i][0]) . '</a></li>';
// build a hierarchical toc?
// we could have tested for $items but that var can be quite large in some cases
if ( $this->options['show_heirarchy'] ) $items = $this->build_hierarchy( $matches );
return $items;
where you can notice that the function works with $content
. But is there any way to make it work with the custom field created with ACF? or, have ou any suggestions to solve this problem?