I am trying to display custom category on archive page.
$term_id_array= array(1,2,4,50);
how to retrieve the term name with link for these term_ids
My custom post_type name = product taxonomy = product_cat
Note: I am using woocommerce.
Please help I am trying this code to display all product category name as a list
$taxonomy = 'product_cat'; //Choose the taxonomy
$terms = get_terms( $taxonomy ); //Get all the terms
foreach ($terms as $term) { //Cycle through terms, one at a time
$term_id = $term->term_id; //Define the term ID
$term_link = get_term_link( $term, $taxonomy );
$term_name = $term->name;
echo '<p class="list-cat"><span>' . $term_id . '</span> -<span>' . $term_name . '</span></p>';
Out put:
1- Clothing 2- Shirt 3- Pant 4- Lady's Pant 5- T-shirt 6........ ....... 5- Sun Glass
But How can I get Name with link for this 1,2,4,50