I want to create post layout in the following way:

| 1 Full Width Post  |
| 2        | 3       |
| 4 Full Width Post  |
| 5        | 6       |

So basically I want to use the post_class(). Say for full width it will be "full-width" class and for half width it will be "half-width" class.

I was able to add even/odd class by this method:

function alternating_post_class( $classes ) {
   global $wp_query;
   $classes[] = ( $wp_query->current_post % 2 === 0 ? 'odd' : 'even' ); 
   return $classes;
add_filter('post_class', 'alternating_post_class');

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer 1


It just take a little bit more complicated logic:

function alternating_post_class($classes) {
  static $counter = 1;
  switch ($counter) {
    case 1:
      $classes[] = 'full-width';
    case 2:
    case 3;
      $classes[] = 'half-width';
  $counter = ($counter == 3) ? 1 : $counter + 1;
  return $classes;
add_filter('post_class', 'alternating_post_class');

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