I know this question is asked like a million times, but I can't find an answer for my problem.
This problem is happening in a user of my server (my father's blog actually), and as he told me: "Just finished a post and was editing the text and the image layout when the site froze. Then tried when a different opened tab but couldn't do anything either".
Since then, the famous "error establishing a database connection" has been there.
This is the information I can give:
- The wp-config file is correct (it was working before and has not been changed. Also, I checked it)
- The MySQL server is working fine, and I can connect to the database with a small PHP script, and select the database
- The tables of the database need no repair (I also run the mysqlrepair tool)
- There's no
Actually, in the functions.php:is_blog_installed() it couldn't find the siteurl option and as it's not repairing, the function returns false...
Any idea why or how to recover the blog?