I know I am not supposed to use query_posts

The thing is I have a program that already do that.

echo "is_search():" . is_search();
echo "is_search after():" . is_search();

Now the first echo returns empty.

The second returns 1

I wonder if there is some global variable I can set to 0 so that is_search() will return false even though I did


2 Answers 2


Your real big problem here is the use of query_posts. It breaks the main query object, and sets the main query object to the query made by query_posts. What you are seeing is quite normal.

Your real solution here with the use of query_posts would be is to reset the main query back to what it should be. This is where wp_reset_query() comes in. If this is a normal page, is_search() will return false after wp_reset_query() as the main query is reset to the page's main query.

query_posts( '&s=crap' );
// Do your loop as normal
wp_reset_query(); // Add this after your loop
var_dump( is_search() ); // Will return bool ( false )

Remember, use of query_posts is highly discouraged. You should be using WP_Query

  • Great answer. I like it better. :)
    – sakibmoon
    May 31, 2015 at 14:12
  • If I reset the main query back than the themes would display the regular posts rather than those containing crap
    – user4234
    Jun 1, 2015 at 7:29
  • No, it will not. Remember, wp_reset_query() goes after you have run your loop, after you have displayed the posts from query_posts. You have to reset your main query object as plugins and other custom code relies on this object. That is why query_posts is really really bad. You cannot just set is_search() to false to expect everything to be OK. Jun 1, 2015 at 7:48

You can use global $wp_query and set the is_search to false;

global $wp_query;
query_posts(""); //is_search is false now
query_posts("s=kucing"); //is_search is set to true
$wp_query->is_search = false; //is_search is set to false
  • Let me try this one first because it seems easier
    – user4234
    Jun 1, 2015 at 7:28

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