For a specific use case, I need to add users only by username and email without having to input a password for them.

Right now if i try to leave the password field empty, it displays an error.

How can I create a new user without having to put password without modifying the core? is it possible to remove these fields from the user add form?

UPDATE: why do I need to do this?

referring to my other question here, the google authentication plugin checks (After successful google authentication) if the google email used is found in wordpress, for a given user.

So i just need to create users locally with their usernames and email only. I need to remove the password fields from the form and disable the built in login mechanism (but the latter is related to my other question mentioned above).

  • Please explain why you want to do it that way. It could be that you are facing a XY Problem.
    – kaiser
    Commented Mar 13, 2015 at 20:23
  • @kaiser you are right, check my update.
    – ccot
    Commented Mar 13, 2015 at 20:26
  • How are you creating users? There are a few ways to create users: registration, wp-admin, network wp-admin, API. We setup our WP system to not use WP native auth either.
    – user42826
    Commented Mar 13, 2015 at 20:33
  • @user42826 right now am adding them manually from wp-admin. However if you have a better method for this scenario am open to try it
    – ccot
    Commented Mar 13, 2015 at 20:47
  • WP multiste allows admins to create users without a password. We wrote our own plugin to add multiple users (no password required). There are other plugins out there that will do the same thing.
    – user42826
    Commented Mar 14, 2015 at 0:32

1 Answer 1


Current versions of WP allow creation of a user without creating a password. Just leave password area blank, and verify no password if prompted.

But, best practice might be to create user with a random password, but not tell the user the password. Have them do the 'lost password' thing to set up their own password. That's what I do for my users. I don't have to tell them a password (sending one via plaintext in an email is not good), and they are responsible for creating a password they can remember.

(Old question without an answer, but guidance is appropriate for current versions and anyone that finds the question.)

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