There is a build in function for this already, no need to create a custom function for this. The function is called get_term_children()
and will return either
An array of child terms if the given term have children
An empty array if no child terms are found
object if the taxonomy does not exist
With this in mind, wrap get_term_children()
in a function and return true or false depending on the returned value if you just need a boolean value ( like a conditional tag )
function has_term_have_children( $term_id = '', $taxonomy = 'category' )
// Check if we have a term value, if not, return false
if ( !$term_id )
return false;
// Get term children
$term_children = get_term_children( filter_var( $term_id, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ), filter_var( $taxonomy, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ) );
// Return false if we have an empty array or WP_Error object
if ( empty( $term_children ) || is_wp_error( $term_children ) )
return false;
return true;
You can simply now just pass the term id to the function and the correct taxonomy name if the taxonomy is anything other than category
, and you will get a boolen value back just as the build in conditional tags, true on success if the term have children, false if it does not.
if ( has_term_have_children( 21 ) ) {
// Do something if term 21 have children