I have multiple custom post types which I nested thanks to a plugin and post I found. I have a custom post type 'landen' ( which should be the parent post type ) and a child post type 'rondreizen', which should be a sub of the custom post type 'landen'.
When creating a new post in the custom post type 'rondreizen' it creates the perfect url
landen/land/rondreizen/rondreis (archive/single/archive/single)
I created an archive-landen.php
and when I go to http://example.com/landen
I arrive on the archive-landen.php page, as well for http://example.com/landen/land
I arrive on the single-landen.php.
What I'm trying to achieve is that when you arrive on landen/land/rondreizen
it should go to an archive page of the 'rondreizen' child custom post type. But how can I do this? What is the right page template which refers to archive/single/archive
? This problem is bugging me for days already and I can't figure it out how to do it. I'm not very familiar with this yet, as well with the Rewrite API.
EDIT: I answered my own question. Solved the problem myself.
. Will it be possible to concatenate those tolanden/land/rondreizen