I'm trying to use a WP_Query();
targeting specific categories and displaying all the tags used for posts within those categories.
I noticed that some tags, like truffles aren't being included in the results even though that post is categorized as a recipe and it's other category, sweets, is also included in the category array.
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong so as to get only some of the tags? Thanks!
<ul class="tag-list">
$query = new WP_Query( 'cat=4,101,94,93,56,72,99,100,63,98,95,96,80' );
$posttags = "";
if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();
if( get_the_tag_list() ){
$posttags = $posttags . get_the_tag_list('',',',',');
endwhile; endif;
// Explode tags in array
$sortedtags = explode(',', $posttags);
// Sort array
// Remove duplicates from array
$sortedtags = array_unique($sortedtags);
// Remove the blank entry due to get_the_tag_list
$sortedtags = array_values( array_filter($sortedtags) );
foreach ($sortedtags as $tagname) {
echo '<li>' . $tagname . '</li>';
I thought my used of the main loop if (have_posts)...the_post();
was screwing things up so I edited the code, but I'm still missing my my mushrooms! :P
<ul class="tag-list">
$query_args = array( 'cat' => '4,101,94,93,56,72,99,100,63,98,95,96,80' );
$query = new WP_Query( $query_args );
$posttags = "";
while( $query->have_posts() ) {
if( get_the_tag_list() ){
$posttags = $posttags . get_the_tag_list('',',',',');
// Explode tags in array
$sortedtags = explode(',', $posttags);
// Sort array
// Remove duplicates from array
$sortedtags = array_unique($sortedtags);
// Remove the blank entry due to get_the_tag_list
$sortedtags = array_values( array_filter($sortedtags) );
foreach ($sortedtags as $tagname) {
echo '<li>' . $tagname . '</li>';
would search all posts related to that category array.WP_Query
does exactly what you tell it to do, nothing more, it won't second guess you with things like pagination etc. Are you trying to replace what WordPress grabs in the main query with your own stuff? If so then thepre_get_posts
filter is what you want. Also, hardcoding category numbers is very bad practice, perhaps you should use a custom taxonomy to define what goes where and use term names rather than hardcoded category term IDs