I created WP page and I need to show a table with some information. This information is hold in a database (hosted on the same server).
To be more detailed, I'll try to split my question. I'm new to wordpress and don't estimate it potential (concept) yet.
1) If I need to show my own data (few related tables, with option of user filtering data) in a table on a wordpress page. Is there special way to make new tables in WP DB (for my own data), or I need to create a separate database instead?
2) If I have to create a separate database (for example, MySQL, hosted at the same server as the WP DB). How can I connect to it from inside WP page? I have to just make PDO object, connect to db with host/dbname/user/pass, prepare and execute a query? Or I can "register" this new database, for example in a config file (writing there host/dbname/user/pass, not to write this every time I need to fetch data on a page). Also, is there something like a framework - to easily fetch data (describe a model before, then fetch data and send it to the page)?
3) How to execute php scripts in WP page? In admin panel, there is only WYSIWYG/HTML editor of a page.