I have the latest, version 3.1.2 and have multisite installed. I have debug on true for testing purposes. I get the follow error when I install plugins.

Where and how do I fix this?

Error: Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3387

thanks in advance!

  • 1
    A Plugin is using a deprecated function and/or function argument. You should file a bug report with the Plugin developer. WPSE shouldn't be used for reporting bugs. Commented Aug 5, 2011 at 14:43

3 Answers 3


You are fine , its the plugins who are bad! some plugins have not been updated and are still using User level as capability when adding menu pages instead of capability, for example

 10 = manage_options = admin

take a look at this thread to understand better.

  • yes, that's right I just disable one by one of my installed plugin. so I can seek and find that plugin (that use the wrong level as the capability). when the log is enabled there is 4 error on top of the wp-admin page. I search and find your reply then disable and found the deprecated plugin and revert back all those good plugins. everything ok now. thanks Commented Oct 2, 2018 at 20:48

for anyone who meets this issue, you can fix it by changing the parameter of add_options_page like this:

       add_options_page(__('WP Flickr Embed', 'wp-flickr-embed'), __('WP Flickr Embed', 'wp-flickr-embed'), 8, $this->pagesDir.'/admin.php');
       add_options_page(__('WP Flickr Embed', 'wp-flickr-embed'), __('WP Flickr Embed', 'wp-flickr-embed'), 'manage_options', $this->pagesDir.'/admin.php');

Change the number parameter to 'manage_options' if its 8. For other number, you need to do a search.



Yes, there are two places to check for this error -- one is when adding a menu / page as in 'add_options_page', and the other is when explicitly checking the capability with current_user_can and its like.

Also, a plugin should not use roles -- it should use capabilities. So for the function I just mentioned 'add_options_page', the capability is probably 'manage_options'.

Roles are for the user to have, which are a grouping of capabilities.

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