I need to edit a few files that are part of a parent theme that I am using. I have put them in the child theme folder.
Now I need to deal with the function for it.
This is the function in the parent theme's functions.php file. The function references the files that I need to edit and of course I could edit them in the parent theme but then that defeats the purpose of a child theme with theme updates.
function kioken_builder_init() {
if ( defined('WPB_VC_VERSION') ) {
require_once (KIO_FUNC_DIR . 'builder/k_image.php');
require_once (KIO_FUNC_DIR . 'builder/team.php');
require_once (KIO_FUNC_DIR . 'builder/additionals.php');
require_once (KIO_FUNC_DIR . 'builder/testimonial_slider.php');
require_once (KIO_FUNC_DIR . 'builder/types/iconselector.php');
require_once (KIO_FUNC_DIR . 'builder/types/kioconpicker.php');
require_once (KIO_FUNC_DIR . 'builder/types/dropdown_multi.php');
add_action('admin_init', 'kioken_builder_init');
if (defined('WPB_VC_VERSION')) {
$tmpdir = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/kioken/functions/builder/vc_templates/';
require_once (KIO_FUNC_DIR . 'builder/builder_row.php');
require_once (KIO_FUNC_DIR . 'builder/builder_column.php');