I've been reading several articles dissuading WP developers from replacing the enqueued jQuery with the Google CDN version of jQuery. I'm sold.
I am now enqueueing the WP jQuery version which uses jQuery.noConflict().
However, I am getting the 'undefined is not a function' error in a home-grown .js file that uses $ selectors. Even when I change the selector to 'jQuery' I still get the error. I made sure that jquery is loaded prior to the .js file.
For testing, if I switch out the WP jQuery enqueue with Google CDN's version, I get no errors at all.
I want to be able to use WP's jQuery, but I can't seem to get it to work with the home-grown jquery code.
Any thoughts on other debugging ideas?
Here's a slice of the home-grown .js file that is failing:
var brk = {
start: function($){
$("#navigation ul li a").css("color", "#FFF").css("text-decoration", "none");
$("#topButtons a.clearbtn").css("color", "#FFF").css("background", "transparent").css("border", "1px solid #FFF");
The 'undefined is not a function' error is on the first $ line: $("#navigation ul li a")...