Ok this is an old question and i may receive classical answers :
use soft key
I can't, i also use JIG and it makes the soft key invalid when i use it to make the text slightly downard to feet with my image. Wich is precisly why i need to use br as it works good to make that. And by the way even if it would work the editor is erasing the soft key spacing as soon as i come back to edit my text. I got something else to do than constantly add soft key jumps each time i want to edit.disabble wpautop
Well i was on that path but it has been told to me that i shouldn't. "Disabling autop for this is probably a bad idea, as it makes many more changes in how the editor content is processed, changes that most likely the poster will like to still take effect". Wich is right.
Basically i would like to be free to use < br/> in wordpress.
Thanks a lot by advance for your help.
Edit : Oh!!! I came here to edit my post, i added < br/> to get my lines under "use soft key" and "disabble wpautop", then i saved, then i opened edition again, and gosh !!! It keeps my < br/>s !!! So this is possible ! How ?