Guys, I need to know how to do the following:
When I receive a comment ... This comment must be approved by three moderators. To appear on the site.
Anyone know how to do it or some plugin?
you can use comment_unapproved_to_approved
action hook to call your function which will use a commentmeta field to count how many times that comment has been approved or by how many users and if it's less then 3 then we updated the comment to not approved :
I'm posting an updated code in the form of a plugin which fixes a few typos:
Plugin Name: 3-comment-mod
Plugin URI:
Description: Answer to
Version: 1.0
Author: Bainternet
Author URI:
if(!function_exists('check_add_approved_count')) {
function check_add_approved_count($comment){
global $current_user;
//respect the admin comments approved by one approval
if (current_user_can('manage_options')){
return '';
$mods = get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID,'approved_by',true);
if(!empty($mods) && is_array($mods)){
//only allow each mod to approve once
if (in_array($current_user->ID,$mods)){
return '';
//here we check the count
if (count($mods) < 3){
//if less then 3 then
//we add the current mod to the approving list
$mods[] = $current_user->ID;
//and revert back the comment to not approved
$commentarr = get_comment($comment->comment_ID, ARRAY_A);
$commentarr['comment_approved'] = 0;
//if we got here it means that this is the first approval
//so we just add the user to the list and revert back the comment to not approved
$mods[] = $current_user->ID;
//and revert back the comment to not approved
$commentarr = get_comment($comment->comment_ID, ARRAY_A);
$commentarr['comment_approved'] = 0;
/only allow each mod to approve once if (in_array($current_user->ID,$mods)){ return '';
Apr 26, 2011 at 17:01