I'd like to grab the current page name and pull that specific template part per page. This way I can just set up a generic tier-1 template that calls in a secondary section based on the current page's title (without having to use a bunch of conditional statements). So, it'd look like this...

<?php get_template_part( 'section', '$pagename' ); ?>

Pulling in the file: section-pagename.php (eg., section-about.php).

Is this possible? I wonder if anyone has used this approach. I think it'd be a really efficient way of templating.

1 Answer 1


I see no reason for this to not work technically, only you don't need those single quotes around variable.

But practically why not just use page-{slug}.php or other template option from hierarchy?

  • Ah, you're right. It works without the quotes. Thank you! I appreciate it! I wanted to break up specific secondary areas on pages without creating unique page templates for each of 10-12 pages. Basically, on a magazine-style layout, I want to extend the page past the content entry area. So, for instance, I'll have a page-tier1.php file that defines the inner header and subnav and then generically links to a template_part that pulls in a content area specific to that page. That secondary section pulls in unique content for the 10-12 pages without having to hard-code each call.
    – swartsr
    Commented Apr 12, 2011 at 17:44
  • 2
    I agree with swartsr: if the only difference between the Pages is what happens in one specific part of the template, then I would go with get_template_part( 'section', $pagename ). If degrades gracefully to section.php if the section-pagename.php doesn't exist, and minimizes duplication of code. Commented Apr 12, 2011 at 17:55

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