I have a blog with several pages in some category "projects" that are structured/named like this:
- /projects/project-2012
- /projects/project-2013
- /projects/project-2014
- /projects/project-2015
When a user enters URLs like http://myblog.com/project or even http://myblog.com/proje he/she is redirected to the page /projects/project-2012. (With a 301 Moved Permanentely!)
While I want wordpress to turn URLs resulting in one clearly defined page (e.g. like http://myblog.com/?p=123) into the canonical form, I want to disable only the URL auto-completion for "unclear" URLs that might point to several pages.
My question is: How can I accomplish this?
I also did some research...
The accepted answer to the question Disable Wordpress URL auto complete disables the whole canonical URL system. This is not acceptable for me.
About four years ago something like this popped up on the Wordpress bug tracker: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/8948 While some good solutions (like offering a page "We did not found your URL. But were you maybe looking for one of the following pages?") were discussed there, the ticket was closed in the end.
EDIT: There is actually a newer ticket at https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/16557 which covers exactly what I need. It seems to be targeted for the 4.0 release. And the ticket comments also contain a solution (see below).